UK Suppliers by County

Here is a known list of producers and suppliers of Guernsey milk and milk products. We have arranged this in alphabetical order of County for your convenience. Simply click on the highlighted farm name to be taken to their website.

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We are currently gathering testimonials from UK consumers who have changed to Guernsey milk recently. Please feel free to write your own testimonial (see here), add your comments to an existing article of relevance, or email us. In the meantime A2 milk has been available in Australia and New Zealand for the last 3 years … Read more

Information about Guernsey Milk

Guernsey milk has several unique properties. 

1 – Beta Carotene – As this is not digested and broken down by Guernsey cows it passes into the milk and creates the wonderful golden colour.

2 – Omega 3 – Guernsey milk contains three times as much Omega 3 as other milks.

3 – Beta Casein A2 – All of the samples of Guernsey milk tested in the UK has more than 95% A2 which compares with 40% A2 in Jersey milk and 15% in ‘ordinary milk’.

Please read on to find out more …

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Welcome to the Guernsey Milk site

We feel that with increasing interest in A2 Guernsey milk and its benefits, especially within Autism, that a site dedicated to information and the availability of Guernsey milk is required. Recent reports on Channel 5 have led to more consumers looking to source Guernsey milk and although there are lists of producers on other Guernsey … Read more