Information about Guernsey Milk

Guernsey milk has several unique properties. 

1 – Beta Carotene – As this is not digested and broken down by Guernsey cows it passes into the milk and creates the wonderful golden colour.

2 – Omega 3 – Guernsey milk contains three times as much Omega 3 as other milks.

3 – Beta Casein A2 – All of the samples of Guernsey milk tested in the UK has more than 95% A2 which compares with 40% A2 in Jersey milk and 15% in ‘ordinary milk’.

Please read on to find out more …

  • Beta Carotene – As this is not digested and broken down by Guernsey cows, it creates the wonderful golden colour in the milk and its products.

Beta Carotene is found in green vegetable matter i.e. grass and is thought to give protection against certain cancers. One often sees recommendations that the consumption of carrots and green vegetables are good for you. Therefore golden Guernsey milk should provide the same benefit.

  • Omega 3 – Guernsey milk is naturally better balanced than other milks, with test results showing it to have one part omega 3 to two parts omega 6, whereas all other milks are one part omega 3  to six parts omega 6.

There are several fortified milks to which fish oil has been added to improve the balance between omega 3 and omega 6. Guernsey milk gives you this advantage naturally.

  • Beta Casein A2 – Guernsey milk has a naturally high percentage of Beta Casein A2 (tested to be more than 95% of A2). Other milks have shown to be between 40% (Jersey milk) and 15% (Holstein milk).

98% of the milk sold in the UK is from Holstein cows and Guernsey milk is currently only available direct from some Guernsey herd owners. Unlike Beta Casein A2, the Beta Casein A1 gives rise on digestion to a product called Beta Casomorphin 7 – this as the name suggests is an opioid and it is the opioid that aggravates Autism and is possibly implicated in type 1 diabetes and coronary heart disease. To read more about the science behind A2 milk click here to be taken to the A2 Corporation website.

More research into all of the above ailments is urgently required. The independent review of the A2 evidence by Australian Professor Swinburn for the New Zealand Food Standards Authority, concluded that Governments should do this research. He stated that if he was in one of the vulnerable groups then “he would change to A2 milk as if it didn’t do him any good it certainly wouldn’t do him any harm!”

  • Finally – although the fat and protein content of Guernsey milk is higher than ‘ordinary’ milk, it has a better balance then Jersey milk (typically 4.8% fat and 3.5% protein) and therefore it is 95% FAT FREE…..AND HAS A FABULOUS TASTE!