Brymor Ice Cream

The Moore family in North Yorkshire are by far the most successful “Guernsey” business in the UK, in that everything is seen as an opportunity, and not a problem.

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Making Camembert in Chicago with raw milk

 that it tends to have more A2 Beta Casein than A1. Click here to read what The Bovine Worldpress has to say. They also mention the Devil in the Milk book which we have a link to a UK supplier within our weblinks.

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Making Camembert in Chicago with raw milk

The Bovine Worldpress released an article about making Camembert in Chicago with raw milk from Amish Guernsey cows. The article has an excerpt from a story by Doug Taron from his Gossamer Tapestry Blog. They say Doug may not realize it but one of the significant characteristics of Guernsey milk is that it tends to have … Read more

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A Cheesemaker’s tale, equipment – Part 4

Crikey, where on earth to start on this one?! May I give a small tip: start looking as soon as possible if you need second-hand equipment as it is thin on the ground. I started looking at new but it was too expensive for a tiny concern like mine although I still look at the … Read more

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Cheese Makers Tale

A Cheesemakers tale Part 4 is now available. Read all about the basic cheesemaking equipment required along with some really useful links.

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Devonshire Farmhouse

Devonshire Farmhouse is run by the Vincent Family at Higher Murchington, Chagford, Devon and started as an Ice Cream business when Duncan Vincent joined the business about 20 years ago. The Kenvin herd had been established by the late Ken Vincent on the slopes of Dartmoor within the National Park and Ken doubted that the … Read more

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A Cheesemaker’s tale, room preparation- Part 3

The room itself has taken me a year to complete but that is mainly because I live on an island with almost full employment and busy builders. Of course, we’d all love to have a lot of room but most of us have to adapt what we already have. My space is a garage with … Read more

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Let it age and your patience will be rewarded

Globe and Mail, a Canadian newspaper ran a nice article on Camembert style cheese made by the Upper Canada Cheese Company. Please see below. Let it age and your patience will be rewarded. 21st January 2009 Written by Sue Riedl Patience is a virtue when it comes to a ripening cheese – especially in the … Read more

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Jenny from Sheffield commented

I would just like you to know how we are getting on with the Guernsey milk. My grandchild, Jak, has not been given milk since my last delivery, which was before Christmas and his behaviour has been so bad that I have ordered more milk to be delivered! He was so much better in all things whilst on the … Read more

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Cheese making training-Part 2

A few details about Fenellas cheesemaking training. It was an internet search that brought up AB Cheesemaking Courses. Various courses run by Chris Ashby and Val Bines who were a great double act on my first course and had been running the courses together for years but, by the second course, Val had left and now runs … Read more

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