What other Guernsey products are available?

There are other Guernsey dairy products available for you to try. Butter, cream, cheese, ice-cream, yoghurts, smoothies and of course, milk. These are available from the farms direct and various outlets. Although the A2 benefits have not yet been proven, if you are giving the milk a try then why not try the other Guernsey dairy products? If you’re not trying it for the benefits why not try it for the taste?!

Please see our Guernsey suppliers list for contact information.

What other Guernsey products are available?

  • There are other Guernsey dairy products available for you to try. Butter, cream, cheese, ice-cream, yoghurts, smoothies and of course, milk. These are available from the farms direct and various outlets. Although the A2 benefits have not yet been proven, if you are giving the milk a try then why not try the other Guernsey dairy products? If you’re not trying it for the benefits why not try it for the taste?! 

Yoghurt makers:-

  • Prosperous Home Farm
  • Hurdlebrook Farm
  • Bocaddon Farm
  • Treen Farm
  • Hinxden Dairy
  • Tiresford

Cream makers:-

  • Prosperous Home Farm
  • Hurdlebrook Farm
  • Hinxden Dairy
  • Brymor Dairy
  • Treen Farm
  • Briddlesford Lodge Farm
  • Devonshire Farmhouse
  • Lacey’s Family Farm
  • Berkeley Farm Dairy
  • Kiln Farm, Alderney (not available in the UK)

Clotted Cream makers:-

  • Brymor Dairy
  • Devonshire Farmhouse

Creme Fraiche makers:-

  • Hurdlebrook Farm
  • Prosperous Home Farm

Ice Cream makers:-

  • Brymor Dairy
  • Devonshire Farmhouse
  • Kiln Farm, Alderney (not available in the UK)
  • Julian Ogier Le Hechet Farm (Guernsey Island)

Butter makers:-

  • Berkeley Farm (available through Abel & Cole and Neals Yard)
  • Kiln Farm, Alderney (available online through Chettle Beef Producers to the UK)

Please see our Guernsey suppliers list for contact information.