Gorgeous Guernsey Milk

I have started giving my 2 children Guernsey A2 milk, which I collect from Olive Farm at Babcary Somerset. My eldest, 12, has ADHD and other learning difficulties and my youngest, 7, is a ‘live wire’ with not a lot of concentration. After hearing about the possible benefits I thought it was worth giving it a go. Nothing ventured, nothing gained! My 12 year old, who has been used to drinking semi skimmed ‘normal’ milk is still not sure about the taste as it is far more creamier, yum yum as my youngest put it! However I have managed to get her drinking it in disguised forms, porridge rather than cereal, milk shake and smoothees rather than plain milk. Within a week I would say I was noticing a difference, more so I would say with the youngest who has not been officially diagnosed with any conditions. The schools have noticed a difference and I’m having far more fun with them. We can actually all sit down and play board and card games together without one or the other loosing interest or generally hopping around. WONDERFUL Smile I am so pleased with the effect it is having after changing such a small part of their diet. SO SIMPLE.