Devonshire Farmhouse

Devonshire Farmhouse is run by the Vincent Family at Higher Murchington, Chagford, Devon and started as an Ice Cream business when Duncan Vincent joined the business about 20 years ago. The Kenvin herd had been established by the late Ken Vincent on the slopes of Dartmoor within the National Park and Ken doubted that the herd could support a second family, and so Duncan and his wife Robyn took a job in West Wales where Duncan was milking Holsteins and Robyn took a job locally helping to make Ice Cream.

Robyn then did a feasibility study with Seale Hayne College in Devon as to whether an Ice Cream business on the farm in Devon would be viable and from there the business has grown. Duncan’s younger brother Ian now runs the processing side and Duncan concentrates on the Dairy Herd and the farm. The Kenvin herd has been amongst the highest yeilding in the UK for several years and given the topography of the farm that is quite remarkable, but the hills keep Duncan fit and he is involved with the local football team, when not supporting his beloved Manchester United.

Ian has developed the business to include Clotted Cream and bottled milk and cream, but is restricted by the National Park in that no retail is allowed on the farm and so all products have to be delivered to their wholesale customers which adds to the costs and the time required. Clotted Cream is produced on quite a large scale in Devon and Cornwall and every spring contracts are lost when the new prices are negotiated, but most are regained by mid summer once the customers appreciate just what a superior product the Guernsey Clotted Cream is. Up to 50 flavoursĀ of Ice Cream are available including special ranges suitable for Diabetics.